Mahalat Feldspar Mines
The mines in question are located in Jalmajard village, Khomein city, Central province. Mahalat-Khomein Feldspar includes two feldspar mines Haji Qara and West Haji Qara feldspar in the form of two polygonal polygons with a total area of 3 square kilometers and a total of several million tons of reserves and their extraction is open pit. . Their operator is Arman Gostar Mining Company of Plateau Asia from the mining complex of Plateau Asia.
Amount of storage: 6 million tons in the open
استخراج فعلی : Current extraction : -
Operator: Arman Gostar Plateau Mining Company from Plateau Asia Mining Complex
Mine area: 3 square kilometers

محصول معدن
By conducting chemical studies by XRF method and mineralogy by XRD method, the main minerals include orthoclase and albite in the composition of this mineral. Examining the physical properties shows that shirkij is suitable and its color is white and light gray after baking, and since sedic feldspar is potassic, it is recommended to use it in porcelain ceramic factories instead of sedic feldspar because The K2O present in this feldspar has a wide firing range and reduces the distortion in the body
contain : -
Features: suitable shrinkage and light gray color after cooking and reducing distortion in the body
Uses: It can be used in porcelain and sanitary porcelain production industries, a suitable substitute for Sedic Feldspar in the body
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