Garak Baghi Saveh Kaolin Mine
The mine in question is located in Garg Baghi village, Kharghan sector, Zarandiye city, Central province. Garak Baghi industrial soil mine is in the form of a 4-sided polygon with an area of 14 square kilometers and has a reserve of several hundred thousand tons and is extracted from it in open pit. Its operator is Dozaj Mineral Soil and Refractory Company from the Asian plateau mineral complex
Storage amount: several thousand tons in the open
استخراج فعلی : Current extraction : -
Operator: Zouzaj Mineral and Refractory Soil Company from Asia Plateau Holding Group
Mine size: 14 square kilometers

محصول معدن
By conducting chemical studies by XRF method and mineralogy by XRD method, the main minerals include quartz, montmorillonite, kaolinite and illite. Examining its physical properties shows positive characteristics such as having raw and dry strength, shrinkage and resistance after proper baking and pinkish cream color after baking of this mineral.
contain : -
Features: good raw and dry strength, good shrinkage and resistance after baking, cream color
Uses: Can be used in tile, ceramic and porcelain production industries, sanitary and fireproof porcelain
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محصولات مرتبط