Yanig Hashtroud mine
East Azarbaijan province, Hashtroud city, Nazar Kehrizi district, Yaniq village is located. Yaniq mine is in the form of a 4-sided polygon with an area of 2 square kilometers, which has a definite reserve of 2.5 million tons and an annual open pit mining of 40.000 tons. Its operator is Ganjineh Mining Plateau Asia from the mining complex of Plateau Asia
Storage amount: 2.5 million tons in open form
استخراج فعلی : Current extraction: 40,000 tons per year
Beneficiary: Ganjineh Mining Plateau Asia Co., from the mining complex of Plateau Asia Holding
Mine size: 2 square kilometers

محصول معدن
By conducting chemical studies by XRF method and mineralogy by XRD method, the main minerals include talc-smectite. High dry strength, light cream color after firing, low coefficient of thermal expansion and other very good physical properties have caused the minerals extracted from the mentioned mine to be used in the formula of more than dozens of brick, tile and ceramic factories. .
Contains: quartz, talc, kaolin, muscovite, illite, calcite, orthoclase and albite
Features: high dry strength, very good physical properties, light cream color after baking, low coefficient of thermal expansion
Uses: Can be used in tile and ceramic factory and brick factory
آنالیز شیمیایی
آنالیز مینرالی
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